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Year 6

Star Warts – The Umpire strikes Back!

The universe has fallen into slavery under the control of the evil Umpire, with his tyrannical grip and formidable forehand. From his base on Planet Wimbledonia, he punishes all who break his rules. But a new hope is dawning. Pursued by The Umpire's sinister agents, Princess Nebula races through the galaxy on a mission to restore freedom to the universe.

Congratulations to our year 6 pupils who put on a performance to rival anything in the West End. The children never fail to amaze us in their abilities to learn lines and perform so confidently. Special thank yous also to the team of children who worked back stage and to Mrs Ryan and Mrs Punny who made all the fabulous props.

See our gallery for the full set of photos

Spring 2

Heathrow Young Explorers

With support from real Heathrow volunteers, we used 3D modelling software to design a transport solution to make travel to and through the airport even more sustainable. We were introduced to the Skills Builder essential skills and a diverse range of careers at the airport to help bring Heathrow to life. After learning about the airport, we worked in teams to design a sustainable transport solution, and our speaking skills to present to the class and Heathrow volunteers. 


Evolution Workshop

A palaeontologist called Dr Helen came and delivered a workshop about the evolution of life on Earth.

Kacper – I learned how life millions of years ago was and how animals looked at that time and how they evolved. I also found out that every animal has the same two cells at the start of their DNA.

Victor – I learned that when an animal dies, the soft body parts rot and the bones turn to fossils. I also found out that 97% of our DNA is the same as a chimpanzee. When I heard this I was shocked because I had never heard about this.

In this photo, we are looking at the similarities between the DNA of different animals.

Spring 1

Aliens have Landed!

In our English lessons, we have been looking at archived sighting reports about suspected UFO sightings in Norfolk in the 1980s. We have created our own hoax reports and images using pic collage. This was such fun!

Welcome back and happy 2024 - we are ready to learn and refreshed from what seems like a super long break.

Autumn 2

Christmas Sleighs

We incorporated our science learning about electricity and light into our DT projects to make some brilliant light-up Christmas decorations.

Children In Need

Year 6 recently united for a heartwarming Children in Need celebration, donning colourful pyjamas and generously contributing £1 each to the cause. This collective effort showcased the students' compassion and commitment to making a positive impact. The funds raised will support initiatives to improve the lives of less fortunate children. The event not only highlighted the school's nurturing environment but also demonstrated the power of unity and compassion within Year 6.

Autumn 1

PGL - We have returned from the most amazing experience, having spent the weekend at the beautiful PGL centre in Osmington Bay in Dorset. 53 children and 6 adults left on Friday 22nd September and stopped at Marwell Zoo on the way, where we were joined by our Parish Priest Fr Liam. We then travelled on to the PGL centre for 3 days of fun-filled activities designed to challenge us and promote team building.

Here's what just some of the children thought of the weekend.

In September, year 6 went to PGL. We were challenged to some really difficult activities that may have been breaking and trying - some people backed down. My favourite activities were Giant Swing, Zip Wire and finally, Abseiling.  I also enjoyed the food and the bunk beds were so comfy – we were very lucky because we got to stay in the new lodges.


Last week, my class went to PGL. We did Jacob’s ladder, rifle shooting, giant swing, zip wire and more. I enjoyed PGL very much. I learnt to be braver and to never give up even if things are challenging. We had a campfire which was fun and also got to go down to the beach. The food there was delicious!

Oliver L

When we went to PGL, it was a very fun experience. We did many various activities like Abseiling, riding a zip wire and surviving in the wild. Our accommodation was very nice and clean with bunk beds and a shelf. It was a great time to work together and do teamwork. PGL was a great bonding experience for me and the year group. The campfire was fun as we were singing songs and dancing.


Please see the gallery for just some of the hundreds of photos that were taken.

Autumn 1 2023

Welcome Year 6 to the new academic year. You have made a fantastic start to the year and we are both extremely impressed with how settled and focused you are since returning from the summer break. We have an exciting term ahead and know you will enjoy all the interesting topics we will cover this half term. Please find a list of recommended reading books that link to our topic this half term: 

World War II


Spring 2

Evolution workshop

Paleoquest workshops visited Year 6 on Friday 10th March to conduct a full-day session on Evolution and Inheritance. The children examined an extensive collection of fossil specimens through 8 different prehistoric time periods to discover how life on earth changed through the millennia. They recorded and interpreted their findings, and saw the evidence for evolution in front of their very eyes. Finally, they were able to meet their own ancestors, and some other weird and wonderful prehistoric creatures.

Stations of the cross

Our hallway corridor now features images depicting the stations of the cross, which were added recently. During a class session, Miss Coll guided us through each station and provided an explanation of the significance of each event leading up to the death of Christ.


Our students in 6C have been busy exploring the world of design and technology through textiles! As part of their DT project, the students were tasked with creating a special handkerchief for a passenger traveling on the SS Windrush to Britain.

The SS Windrush was a significant moment in history as it carried hundreds of people from the Caribbean to start a new life in Britain. Our students were excited to learn about this historic event and wanted to create something meaningful for a passenger on the ship.

To make the project more personal, the students were asked to add a personal touch to their designs, such as an initial, to remind the passenger of their family and loved ones back home. This added an extra layer of emotional connection to the project and allowed the students to explore their creativity further.

The Windrush

Our students have had the privilege of exploring and understanding the significant events of the Windrush generation. In this topic, they gained insights into the reasons behind the migration of the Caribbean people to the United Kingdom and the journey they undertook across the Atlantic.

Our students learned about the harsh realities faced by the Windrush migrants upon their arrival in the UK, including the discrimination and challenges they faced in settling into their new home. To bring this topic to life, our class was lucky enough to hear from someone who was on one of the Windrush ships and was able to share their personal experiences and reflections.

Through this topic, our students have developed a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices and contributions made by the Windrush generation, and have gained a better understanding of the history and cultural heritage of the Caribbean people. This has been a valuable learning opportunity for our students, and we are proud to have been able to share this important piece of history with them.

Spring 1

Welcome back Year 6! Happy New Year! This term is full of lots of exciting learning ahead. We begin our new English topic on 'Classic Fiction' in which we look at Rudyard Kipling's 'Just-So' stories. This will be followed by non-chronological reports, persuasive writing and flashback stories. In maths, we will start with multiplication and division, shape, and then reasoning questions. Our topics will be the Windrush (Spring 1) an Evolution (Spring 2). We look forward to an exciting term. 

Yr 6 Team 

Autumn 2

In D.T, the children were posed with the question: How can we adapt Santa's sleigh to make it  more eco-friendly and less harmful to the environment. We re-designed his sleigh so that it was environmentally friendly through re-used resources, wouldn't emit harmful carbon emissions and was aesthetically pleasing. Please look in our gallery for all of our sleighs. 


Earlier this week, we welcomed a  Yr 6 parent and  two of her work  colleagues into class to talk about cyber security due to the nature of their work with the National Crime agency. We were extremely lucky to learn about which cyber choices we should make and how to keep safe online. A very informative presentation. 

In English, we are currently studying Anne Frank's diary. We created a radio report on the discovery of her diary, its contents and the impact it had on its readers. The children were able to incorporate all the information they have learnt over the past week into their radio reports. Please see the gallery for more photos. 

Autumn 1

This week in our  history lesson, we compared life in Britain during the war to that of Nazi occupied Poland. We prepared a set of questions to ask Mrs Chodzko-Zajko whose father lived through this time. She was able to answer a range of interesting questions in detail as well as bring in lots of artefacts including photographs of her father during the war, some old Polish coins and even a German flag captured by her father to remind him of the struggles he and his family went through during their countries occupation.


PC Carolyn Visit

Each term, we are visited by our safer schools officer who is PC Carolyn. Today she spoke to us about how to be safe online, on the roads and at school. She provided us with some great pieces of advice and tips! We even got to try some of her uniform on!

Yr 6 mass in the prayer area 

Today we celebrated mass outside in our prayer area. This was an opportunity to celebrate God in all his wonder and be at one with nature. Thank you to Fr Liam  who led the mass. 


Welcome Year 6 to the new academic year. You have made a fantastic start to the year and we are both extremely impressed with how settled and focused you are since returning from the summer break. We have an exciting term ahead and know you will enjoy all the interesting topics we will cover this half term. Please find a list of recommended reading books that link to our topic this half term: 

World War II