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Year 4


Sport Day 2024

A huge well done to all the children who took part in sport day! 

Year 4 experiencing a samba workshop. The children learnt to play a range of different instruments used in samba music! It was an amazing experience! 

English - Persuasive Writing

Seeing as the sunny weather finally arrived in London this week, we took it upon ourselves to do our English lesson outside today. We were writing a persuasive letter to Rishi Sunak convincing him that if England win Euro 2024, then a national bank holiday should be given to all. The children were so focused and sensible outside.



A huge well done to both classes in Year 4 for their amazing assemblies on Saints. This term, we focused on a diverse range of Saints - perhaps some that do not get the recognition they should! It was great to learn about these amazing people and what they did for Christ. 

4C Assembly

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We had great fun dressing up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day. Please see the gallery for more photos from the day and our encounter with an author! 

As part of the Greenford community, we feel that it is our responsibility to look after the environment that we live in. We took to the streets to clean up any litter or rubbish that we could find! What a difference we made :) 

Spring 1

In Year 4, our Viking workshop was an enriching and dynamic experience that transported us back in time. The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the immersive opportunity to dress up as Vikings, setting the stage for a series of captivating activities. From a challenging Viking quiz that tested our historical knowledge to an engaging artefact-finding mission, where we examined items ranging from cooking pots to unexpected artefacts like an ironing board and combs, the workshop provided a hands-on exploration of Viking daily life. The experience culminated in a thrilling Viking battle simulation, allowing us to feel the pulse of historical conflicts, and an exploration of various Viking weapons that deepened our understanding of their military prowess. This workshop left an indelible mark, fostering a greater appreciation for the rich history and culture of the Vikings.


Autumn 2

Character description

Year 4 students have been working on writing character descriptions and today's focus was on Professor Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books. To enhance the learning experience, we had a special visit from the professor himself, who taught us during our English lesson....


Children In Need

Year 4 recently united for a heartwarming Children in Need celebration, donning colourful pyjamas and generously contributing £1 each to the cause. This collective effort showcased the students' compassion and commitment to making a positive impact. The funds raised will support initiatives to improve the lives of less fortunate children. The event not only highlighted the school's nurturing environment but also demonstrated the power of unity and compassion within Year 4.

Year 4 trip – Saxon Village

This year, our enthusiastic Year 4 students embarked on an exciting and educational journey to Butser Ancient Farm in Hampshire. The trip offered a unique opportunity for the children to step back in time and experience life as an Anglo-Saxon.

Despite the unpredictable weather, the day was filled with hands-on activities that brought the past to life. The students had the chance to engage in various immersive experiences, such as carving Saxon letters into chalk, handling artefacts, crafting Saxon jewellery, and delving into the art of Saxon writing.

One highlight of the trip was witnessing the children's enthusiasm as they explored Saxon life. One  student shared, "I loved the trip because we got to see how the Saxons lived over 1000 years ago, and we actually have a lot more in common with them than I thought."

Descriptive writing

In a recent English lesson on descriptive writing, Year 4 learned about imagery in which they had to embark on a captivating journey through the world of words and sensations. This exploration was designed to help our young writers develop the skill of using descriptive language to create vibrant mental images and evoke the senses. Here's a glimpse into the exciting adventure they embarked on.

Autumn 1

Update on our learning

In English, we've been immersed in the captivating world of "The Iron Man." Our class thoroughly enjoyed reading Ted Hughes' classic novel, which tells the story of a mysterious giant who crash-landed on Earth and the unexpected friendships that developed.

In addition to our reading adventures, we got creative with poetry inspired by the book. Students crafted their own poems, using techniques like similes, metaphors, and alliteration to bring their verses to life. We also stepped into the shoes of journalists to write newspaper articles based on events in "The Iron Man." This project not only helped us improve our writing skills but also gave us a deeper understanding of the story's plot and characters.

Our journey into the fascinating world of science took us into the realms of electricity and sound. We learned about the role of electricity in our daily lives, from powering our homes to operating devices. Understanding the concept of circuits, we explored how electricity flows and created circuits to power different devices. In our sound exploration, we had a great time understanding the science behind sound production, including the importance of vibrations and pitch.

Both our class text, "The Iron Man," and our science explorations have truly enriched our learning experiences in Year 4. We've had the chance to use our creativity and critical thinking to delve into these exciting topics, and we're eager to share more of our learning experiences with you in the coming months. Stay tuned for further updates from Year 4!



Welcome to Year 4!

We have just completed our first full week of the new school year, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the positive attitude, enthusiasm and effort of the children!  It’s been a fab start!

In year 4 there are lots of interesting topics for children to learn about.

In RE, the classes have begun their topic of ‘People’ with a focus on family – ours and Jesus’ family. 

We have begun to read Iron Man in English and even learned and performed the poem by Brenda Williams.  A close look at language to make a poem and story come alive is our main objective.

While in maths, the children have been learning about number – its value, different ways to express it and how we use it in our daily lives.

Our science topic of electricity has all the children excited as we examine what makes a lightbulb work.  They are eager to put their knowledge into practice and create working circuits of their own.

The classes have started back with two PE lessons a week; this term beginning with 'Balance' for indoor PE and learning tag rugby for outdoor PE.  We have PE on Mondays and Fridays!

Finally, Miss Yadav and Mr Cooke would like to congratulate the children for their super start to the new year.  We would ask them to remember to read each day, listen well and always try their very best.  If they continue to do these things, it should be a brilliant year!