Year 1
Summer 2
We are about to start our topic of ‘Neighbours’. Where we will hear stories of how Jesus loved his neighbour and learn how we can follow in his footsteps.
We are very excited about starting the half-term by learning how to write a question and making sure we can write a question mark. We are then going to write questions to ask the King if he ever visited our school. We will complete this work by researching facts about the King and write about them using the whole school shared writing approach of drafting and editing work with a partner on white boards.
This process will be used again when we write character and setting descriptions of the new focus story ‘The Queens Knickers’. We will finish the school year writing a recount of the book and creating a new ending using our amazing imaginations.
This term we will be consolidating our learning in addition, subtraction and place value to ensure we have a depth of understanding and skills to support our learning further in the year. We also continue to enjoy the times-table song before each maths lesson.
We are really enjoying learning about Queen Elizabeth II and other famous Queens in the past, all of whom ruled the United Kingdom. We will learn about the countries that make the United Kingdom and its capital cities and be able to locate them on a map.
By studying the royal portrait artist - Nicky Philipps, we will sketch and paint self-portraits, portraits of our friends and then a portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Summer 1
This half-term we are going to start with the topic of Holidays and Holy Days. We will be learning about the special times in the year when we celebrate special occasions, and then we will be focusing on the story of Pentecost.
Later on in the half-term, we will spend a week learning about a different faith to Christianity. We will be learning about Islam.
We start this half-term learning about poetry.
We will be writing Acrostic poems using our learning from our science lessons `All about Spring`. We will then read our poems to an audience.
We are then going to be learning how to research facts about a Tiger to help us produce a fact file all about the Tiger. We will be asking ‘Would a Tiger make a good pet?’ As part of the learning, we will start using the techniques of drafting and editing our work.
We will also be promoting a fund-raising event for the WWF to help to save the Tigers in the wild and hopefully sponsoring our own Year 1 Tiger for a year.
To start the half-term, we are working on mass, volume and capacity and then go on to learn about money, recognising coins and knowing their value.
Later in the half-term, we will re-visit 3D shapes and then learn about their properties, faces and vertices.
We continue to use a hundred squares to consolidate our counting to 100, and we are still practising 1 more and 1 less within 100. We will continue counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Our learning in Science is Biology, based on animals, including humans. We will be asking the following questions;
How do humans change?
What are our 5 senses?
What are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores?
Within this topic we will be exploring parts of the human body, our 5 senses, names of a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, and finding out which of these animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
We continue to be taught phonics every day at 9am from our scheme called `Little Wandle` from Letters and Sounds. We are still learning some alternative sounds from phase 5, revising our prior phonic knowledge and how to use our `Grow the Code` chart. We are also decoding Alien words.
We continue to read with an adult using the phonic skills we are learning.
We had an enjoyable time at our Mardi Gras Celebration. We had the opportunity to create our own masks and we joined in with the procession around our school and Our Lady of the Visitaion Church.
Please see our gallery of pictures from the day.
In our RE topic we have been learning about what it means to belong. Part of this topic looked at the sacrament of Baptism. We enjoyed using role-play to reinact a baptism.
Autumn 2
The children had an amazing time preparing for their Christmas play. Please look in the gallery to see pictures from their dress rehearsal.
This term we have been learning about Judaism. We have been learning about the special days that Jewish people celebrate, discussing the different foods they eat and key symbols relating to their faith.
We are moving on to our topic of Loving, where we will start to prepare for Christmas and begin to understand that Advent is a special time of waiting and preparation.
English / Topic
This year we are learning our English skills through our topic. This term our topic is history based, and it is ‘Toys in living memory’.
We have been very excited as we have become Time Travellers and have been comparing our toys in the modern day to the toys our parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents would have played with. Throughout this topic we have been working on verbal sentence structure and focusing on remembering our full stops, finger spaces and capital letters when we write. We are trying to remember to use all the phonic knowledge we know when writing.
To support our learning, we have had Victorian toys to play with in a workshop, toys from the 60’s and 70’s and modern day toys. We thought about the toy we would most like to be ourselves and acted this way. We had a dress up like a toy day, which was a lot of fun.
We continue to listen to different stories, all of which had toys in them.
We have been working hard at remembering our number bonds to 10 and 20 and practising singing our 5 & 10 times tables.
The children have also been exploring fact families.
What facts are part of the fact family?
Most addition and subtraction fact families include two addition and two subtraction facts. For example, the addition/subtraction fact family for the numbers 2, 4, and 6 consists of the following: 2 + 5 = 7, 5 + 2 = 7 and 7 - 2 = 5, 7 - 5 = 2. To support this learning, the children have been using ten frames and counters.
Autumn 1
What a fantastic new start for our Year 1!
Even with the high temperatures, the children are settling in beautifully. They are all ready to go and are enthusiastic about their new learning.
Below are a few pictures of the children engaged in a maths lesson linked to sorting activities, and they were able to categorise how they would sort different objects, e.g. colour, shape ....
We will share photos in our gallery to show your children engrossed in their learning and any activities that take place during the year.
Happy learning!
Summer 2
We will finish our `Being Sorry` learning and take another visit into the church, this time to look at the confessional boxes.
We will then spend a week learning about Sikhism. We will learn lots about Sikh traditions and beliefs.
We will then start our topic of ‘Neighbours’. Where we will hear stories of how Jesus loved his neighbour and learn how we can follow in his footsteps.
We are very excited to start the half-term learning how to write a question and making sure we can write a question mark. We are then going to write questions to ask King Charles II if he ever visited our school. We will complete this work by researching facts about the King and write about them using the whole school shared writing approach of drafting and editing work with a partner on white boards.
This process will be used again when we write character and setting descriptions of the new focus story ‘The Queens Knickers’. We will finish the school year writing a recount of the book and creating a new ending using our amazing imaginations.
This term we will be consolidating our learning on addition, subtraction and place value to ensure we have a depth of understanding and skills to support our learning further in year 2. We continue to enjoy the great selection of Supermovers physical starters before some Maths lessons.
We explore money and learn about the different value of different coins.
We are really enjoying learning about Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II- all famous Queens in the past, all of which ruled the United Kingdom. We will learn about the countries that make the United Kingdom and their capital cities, flags and be able to locate them on a map.
By studying the royal portrait artist - Nicky Philipps, we will sketch and paint self-portraits, portraits of our friends and then a portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Summer 1
This half term we are going to start our topic of Holidays and Holy Days. We will be learning about the special times in the year when we celebrate and will be focusing on the story of Pentecost.
Later on we will spend a week learning about Islam. We will learn lots about Islam’s traditions and beliefs.
In English this half term we are going to learn about poetry.
We will be writing Acrostic poems continuing on from our learning from last term `All about Spring`. We will then read our poems to an audience.
We are then going to be learning how to research facts about a Tiger to help us produce a fact file about a Tiger. We will be asking the question ‘Would a Tiger make a good pet?’ As part of the learning we will start using the techniques of drafting and editing our work.
We will be doing a Fund Raising Event to support the WWF saving the Tigers.
This term we are going to start to learn about instructional and positional language. We will also be programming Bee Bots to follow our directions.
Then we will be using our amazing skills of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s by applying our knowledge to multiplication calculations through arrays (repeated addition for multiplication). Then we will be moving on to division and learning how to share groups equally.
Our learning in Science is Biology based about Animals including Humans. We will be asking the following questions;
How do Humans change?
What are our 5 senses?
What are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores?
Within this topic we will be exploring parts of a human body, our 5 senses, names of a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and finding out which of these animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Spring 2
This half term we will be starting our new topic on Change. Throughout this topic we will learn about how we change as we grow, both physically and spiritually. We will also learn about the Easter story, including the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This term we are going to be learning all about instructions. We will be learning about imperative verbs, directional language and how we use them to give an instruction.
We will be revising character and setting descriptions and using the English Working wall and word mats with an increased independence.
First we will learn all about repeated patterns before working on 2D and 3D shapes. We continue to use a hundred square and practise counting to 100 and practising 1 more and 1 Less. Phonics
We continue to be taught phonics every day at 9am from our scheme called `Little Wandle` from Letters and Sounds. We are learning alternatives sounds in phase 5 and how to use our `Grow the Code` chart. We are also decoding Alien words now.
We continue to read with an adult every day using the phonic skills we are learning.
Our topic this term is ‘How has transport changed Greenford?
This is an enjoyable topic including a bus survey along the Greenford road and a visit (on the 92 bus) to the new site in North Greenford called Greenford Quay. We will learn how the canal changed and shaped Greenford from a small countryside village to the busy town it is now. We will also find out about the factory owner and inventor `William Perkin`.
We will also be learning all about plants, discussing what they need to help them grow. Learning all about the basic structure of plants and trees too. We also look at Seasonal change as Winter disappears and Spring unfolds.
Spring 1
This term we will be starting our Topic of special people. We will be learning about the people in our personal lives who are special to us, those in our community and those in our church. We will also be discussing why these people are special to us.
We will be moving on to learn all about Meals. We will discuss important meals we share with our family and friends and will learn about special times where we celebrate with our church family. We will also learn about the importance of the Eucharist.
This term we are going to be learning how to write a recount of a story. We will be learning how to sequence a story, plan a story and understand the structure of story (beginning, middle and end). We will then write a recount of the story using adjectives.
This term we will be learning how to double a number. Then we will move on to learning about Halves and Quarters. Next we will be challenging ourselves by learning how to tell the time using o’clock and half-past.
We continue to be taught phonics every day at 9am from our scheme called `Little Wandle` from Letters and Sounds. We are learning phase 5 sounds.
We are also reading with an adult every day using the phonic skills we are learning.
Our topic this term is ‘Which material should the pigs have used to build their house?’ Throughout this topic we learn how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock and distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. We will be also be able to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.
Autumn 2
This term we will be learning about Judaism, we will be learning about the special days that Jewish people celebrate, discussing the different foods they eat and key symbols relating to their faith.
We will be moving on to our topic of Loving, where we will start to prepare for Christmas and understand that Advent is a special time of waiting and preparation.
During this term we will be developing our independent sentence writing. We will be listening to quality text stories with Toys in and writing using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces about these stories. These books include Dogger by Shirley Hughes, Titch by Pat Hutchins, Traction Man by Mini Grey and the classic fairy tale of Pinocchio.
We will continue to work on our handwriting, making sure the letters are correctly formed, a good size and sit on a line.
Our daily Little Wandle phonic sessions will remain at 9am, we have started to learn all the phase 5 sounds followed by reading our Little Wandle books.
We are going to continue working on our number bonds to 10 and 20 before we move on to place value, fractions, counting in 10’s and sequencing events.
At any available moment during the day we practise counting to 100 from any given number.
This term we will be learning all about the season of Winter. We will be going on a Winter walk around the school exploring how the weather changes throughout the season and what happens to nature around us. We will be repeating the experiments we started in Autumn to enable us to find out and compare seasonal changes .
Our topic this half term is “Toys in living memory”. This learning will include a timeline of toys, sorting old and new toys, looking at teddy bears throughout the years and playing with Toys from 100 years ago in our workshop.
Continuing with the “Toys from the past” theme, we will make a sock puppet, cup and ball toy and a moving rocket picture.
Autumn 1
This really has been an amazingly positive start to the new school year. We have all felt welcomed back after being mixed up from our reception classes. It has been fantastic being able to see all our friends again.
We are all trying our best to sit at our tables for some of our lessons and we are amazing at putting up our hands up to answer questions and are superstars at listening to instructions.
Religious Education
To start our half term, we will be learning all about our own families and God’s family (please can you send in a picture of your child with their family for our display).
In our next topic – belonging - we will be learning all about what it means to belong to the church community. Throughout this topic we will start to look at the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This half term, we are revising some of the Little Wandle learning from Reception. We will then start to look at the sounds in Phase 5.
Throughout this half term we are learning all about Numerical Reasoning, this means we will be learning lots about place value through exploring, clarifying and applying everything we have learnt when we use the resources in our practical lessons to strengthen our understanding or number.
This half-term we will be learning all about the season of Autumn and exploring seasonal changes. We will be going on an Autumn walk around the school exploring how the weather changes throughout the season and what happens to nature around us.
Andy Goldsworthy is a modern day British artist who does NOT use paint, pencils, pens, crayons etc to create his pieces of Art. How can this be possible? This is the question we will be asking before creating our own masterpieces using his techniques and inspirational guidance.
Summer 2
This half term we are going to start our topic of ‘Neighbours’. Where we will hear stories of how Jesus loved his neighbour and learn how we can follow in his footsteps.
We will then spend a week learning about Islam. We will learn lots about Islam’s traditions and beliefs.
After this we will continue our topic of Neighbours.
We are very excited to start the half term learning how to write a question. We are then going to write questions to ask the Queen if she ever visited our school or if we see her when we visit Windsor Castle.
We are going to start to use the whole school shared writing process. We have to take turns to write a sentence but help our working partner too when it is their turn. We will edit this work each time before writing up a finished version in our books.
This process will be used again when we write character and setting descriptions of the new focus story ‘The Queens Knickers’. We will finish the school end writing a recount of the book and creating a new ending using our imaginations.
This term we will be consolidating our learning on addition, subtraction and place value to ensure we have a depth of understanding and skills to support our learning further in year 2. We continue to enjoy the great selection of Supermovers physical starters before each Maths lesson.
We are really enjoying learning about Queen Elizabeth II and other famous Queens in the past, all of which ruled the United Kingdom. We will learn about the countries that make the United Kingdom and be able to locate them on a map.
By studying the royal portrait artist - Nicky Philipps, we will sketch and paint self-portraits, portraits of our friends and then a portrait of the Queen.
Summer 1
This half term we are going to start our topic of Holidays and Holy Days. We will be learning about the special times in the year when we celebrate and will be focusing on the story of Pentecost.
Later on we will spend a week learning about Islam. We will learn lots about Islam’s traditions and beliefs.
In English this half term we are going to learn about poetry.
We will be writing Acrostic poems continuing on from our learning from last term `All about Spring`. We will then read our poems to an audience.
We are then going to be learning how to research facts about a Tiger to help us produce a fact file about a Tiger. We will be asking the question ‘Would a Tiger make a good pet?’ As part of the learning we will start using the techniques of drafting and editing our work.
This term we are going to start to learn about instructional and positional language. We will also be programming Bee Bots to follow our directions.
Then we will be using our amazing skills of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s by applying our knowledge to multiplication calculations through arrays (repeated addition for multiplication). Then we will be moving on to division and learning how to share groups equally.
Our learning in Science is Biology based about Animals including Humans. We will be asking the following questions;
How do Humans change?
What are our 5 senses?
What are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores?
Within this topic we will be exploring parts of a human body, our 5 senses, names of a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and finding out which of these animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Spring 2
This half term we will be starting our new topic on Change. Throughout this topic we will learn about how we change as we grow, both physically and spiritually. We will also learn about the Easter story, including the death and resurrection of Jesus.
This term we are going to be learning all about instructions. We will be learning about imperative verbs and how we use them to give an instruction.
We will be revising character and setting descriptions and using the English Working wall and word mats with an increased independence.
First we will learn all about repeated patterns before working on 2D and 3D shapes. We continue to use a hundred square and practise counting to 100 and practising 1 more and 1 Less.
Our topic this term is ‘How has transport changed Greenford?
This is an enjoyable topic including a bus survey along the Greenford road and a visit (on the 92 bus) to the new site in North Greenford called Greenford Quay. We will learn how the canal changed and shaped Greenford from a small countryside village to the busy town it is now. We will also find out about the factory owner and inventor `William Perkin`.
We will also be learning all about plants, discussing what they need to help them grow. Learning all about the basic structure of plants and trees too.
Spring 1
This term we will be starting our Topic of special people. We will be learning about the people in our personal lives who are special to us, those in our community and those in our church. We will also be discussing why these people are special to us.
We will be moving on to learn all about Meals. We will discuss important meals we share with our family and friends and will learn about special times where we celebrate with our church family. We will also learn about the importance of the Eucharist.
This term we are going to be learning how to write a recount of a story. We will be learning how to sequence a story, plan a story and understand the structure of story (beginning, middle and end). We will then write a recount of the story using adjectives.
Next we will begin to learn all about letter writing. We will learn about the structure of a letter and the type of language we use when we are writing formally or informally.
This term we will be learning how to double a number. Then we will move on to learning about Halves and Quarters. Next we will be challenging ourselves by learning how to tell the time using o’clock and half-past.
This term we are starting to use our new phonic scheme called `Little Wandle` from Letters and Sounds.
We are also reading with an adult every day using the phonic skills we are learning.
Our topic this term is ‘Which material should the pigs have used to build their house?’ Throughout this topic we learn how to identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock and distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. We will be also be able to compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.
Autumn 2
This term we will be learning about Judaism, we will be learning about the special days that Jewish people celebrate, discussing the different foods they eat and key symbols relating to their faith.
We will be moving on to our topic of Loving, where we will start to prepare for Christmas and understand that Advent is a special time of waiting and preparation.
This term we will become poets and write our own poems about Autumn and Winter. Then we will be moving on to learn all about story writing using adjectives to describe characters and settings.
We are going to continue working on our number bonds to 10 and 20 before we move on to learn all about the days of the weeks, months of the year and sequencing events.
This term we will be learning all about the Autumn and Winter season. We will be going on Autumn and Winter walks around the school exploring how the weather changes throughout the seasons and what happens to nature around us.
Autumn 1
Wow, what an amazing start to the year we have all had. We have started to settle into life as year 1 children, and we are really enjoying all the different subjects in our timetable. We are all trying our hardest to sit at our tables when we are doing our work, and we are all trying to put our hands up to answer a question. We are being encouraged to answer questions using full sentences, and we like to remember our manners too.
Religious Education
To start our half-term, we will be learning all about our own families and God’s family. We enjoyed sharing our family photos, it is nice to have them up, as all together they form a very meaningful display.
In our next topic, ‘Belonging’, we will be learning all about what it means to belong to the church community. Throughout this topic we will start to look at the Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This year we are learning our English skills through our topic. This term our topics are ‘All about me’ and ‘Seasons’. We enjoyed finding out lots of information about each other and about the teacher’s as well. We have just started `Autumn` and enjoyed walking through the school grounds finding signs of Autumn and collecting many coloured leaves. We are all focusing on remembering our full stops and capital letters.
This half-term, we have revised lots of our learning from Reception, we are all really confident with Phase 2 phonics, but some of us need a little more time to become confident with Phase 3. The majority of us have started to look at the sounds in Phase 5. We are enjoying learning the Jolly Phonic songs each day.
Throughout this half-term we are learning all about Numerical Reasoning, this means we will be learning about place value through exploring, clarifying and applying everything we have learnt when we use the resources in our practical lessons to strengthen our understanding of number.